In the context of a collaborative project financed by ANR including ENS CACHAN, IFSTTAS, CEA, aiming at studying the dynamic behavior of structures reinforced by different technics, CES used its skills to contribute to the conception and atypical design of specimens.

One of the objectives of CEA was to include the presence of soil in the control strategy that is to say soil-structure interaction phenomena thanks to hybrid testing.

Structural dynamic analyses

Simplified and advanced analyses for designing test specimens.

Non-linear mechanics

Non-linear modeling of steel column anchorages

Finite elements

1D and « full 3D » modeling of test specimens

Seismic analysis

Push-over and transient analyses

Tools developed
DoubleCAD XT

OpenSource CAD software



Cast3M is an OpenSource code developed by CEA



Opensource sofware dedicated to the post-processing operations related to computations made with Cast3M


Cluster 32 cores – 64 Gb – CES

CES has developed its own computational tools in order to perform requested analyses

CES’s objectives and contributions

Within the framework of this innovative project, CES had to design steel and reinforced concrete specimens. Despite simple structural components, the testing devices on the shaking table brought about difficulties. That’s why CES performed a sensitivity analysis in order to define the formwork geometry before designing test specimens and detailed drawings.

Partner(s)/ Client(s)

3 months



Type of project
